Do you like working as a team, or are you curious about virtual theatre? Joining our crew is an exciting opportunity that is open to all students at the University of British Columbia! Whether you have experience designing masterful sets, have worked as a stagehand, or are just an avid Broadway fan, STEP IN TIME will provide a new experience that is both challenging and extremely rewarding.

Joining the crew is a fantastic opportunity to explore all of the little things that have to be coordinated to make a theatrical world come to life, and we would love to have you join our team under the guidance of Elsa, our Stage Manager, and David, our Technical Director! Our environment is inclusive for theatre enthusiasts at all skill levels, and we aim to provide a supportive space for all our crew members to develop new technical skills and challenge their current theatrical knowledge.


Due to COVID-19, we are unable to host our fall production. Instead, we want to create a virtual musical revue highlighting our members’ talents. This project will have many similar aspects to our normal fall productions..

The final result will be a video compilation of various numbers that follow the theme “Musicals through Time”. The Creative Team will create a set list and decide on an overall vision for the project. We hope that all the songs will be linked together by a common thread, for example, an emcee. There will be ensemble, smaller group, and solo numbers in the revue.

The piece will not be recorded live, but filmed in advance and edited. Our crew members will act as virtual consultants to the actors, assisting them in setting up their space, deciding what to wear, etc.

Positions for STEP IN TIME

Our crew members will act as consultants to our actors, helping them pick what to wear, what to film with, and how to create the highest quality performance.

Props and Set Consultant, 1-2 positions available


  • Work with our co-directors to brainstorm functional prop pieces that fit within the aesthetic vision of the production
  • Guide cast members in the creation of props and scenery

Time commitment:

  • Weekly or bi-weekly production meetings (1 hour/week)
  • Individual and small group meetings with actors (about 6-8 hours over the semester)
  • Creative meetings with our co-directors (2-3 times during the rehearsal process)

Costume Consultant, 2-3 positions available


  • Work with our co-directors to coordinate costuming for the whole cast that fits into the aesthetic vision of the production
  • Guide actors in coordination of individual character and ensemble costumes
  • Ensure that all costume designs fit within the logistical and fiscal restraints of the club and cast members

Time commitment:

  • Weekly or bi-weekly production meetings (1 hour/week)
  • Individual and small group meetings with actors (about 6-8 hours over the semester)
  • Creative meetings with our co-directors (2-3 times during the rehearsal process)

Hair and Makeup Consultant, 1 – 2 positions available


  • Work with our co-directors to create personalized hair and makeup style guides for the cast that fit into the aesthetic vision of the production
  • Guide actors in designing individual character and ensemble hair and makeup
  • Ensure that the hair and makeup styles fit within the fiscal and logistic restrictions of the club and cast members

Time commitment:

  • Weekly or bi-weekly production meetings (1 hour/week)
  • Individual and small group meetings with actors (about 6-8 hours over the semester)
  • Creative meetings with our co-directors (2-3 times during the rehearsal process)

Technical Consultant, 1-3 positions available


  • Work with our co-directors and technical director to ensure cohesive technical quality and style across the production
  • Guide actors in scene-specific setup and operation for lighting, audio and/or camera
  • Host workshop for the cast to teach basics of film equipment setup and operation

Time commitment:

  • Weekly or bi-weekly production meetings (1 hour/week)
  • Individual and small group meetings with actors (about 6-8 hours over the semester)
  • Meetings with creative team members (2-3 times during the rehearsal process)


  1. Dedication. Members of our team will demonstrate excellent communication and dedication to attend relevant meetings. Our production team is expected to respond promptly to and work closely with our technical director and stage manager to create the look and sound of our productions. 
  2. Time commitment. All designers and crew members will be expected to attend a one hour weekly production meeting. In addition to production meetings, production crew members are required to commit to attending various rehearsals, which will vary depending on the position.

Applying for STEP IN TIME:

  1. Complete this application form by Saturday, September 19 at 11:59 PM..
  2. Successful applicants will receive an email by Saturday, September 26th at 8:00 PM.

Thank you for your interest in the crew! We are very excited about the upcoming year and can’t wait to welcome you to the team. For any crew-specific inquiries, please email David at